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 The first EuroPride activities will take place at the MFCC due to weather conditions 

 The official opening of EuroPride Valletta 2023 next Thursday will be held at the MFCC in Ta’ Qali, instead of Tritoni Square. During a news conference, Parliamentary Secretary for Reforms and Equality Rebecca Buttigieg explained that this decision has been made in the interest of health and safety due to the forecasted storm. 

The activities will commence with a spectacular show featuring the best local singers and talents. This event will also feature the official EuroPride Valletta 2023 song, “We Are Pride,” performed by MattBLK, Destiny, and Owen Luellen, accompanied by DanceLabMT dancers choreographed by Luke Brincat. 

The Pride March and show in Gozo scheduled for Saturday will proceed as planned, pending favourable weather conditions. Parliamentary Secretary Buttigieg mentioned that the EuroPride Village in Pjazza Tritoni will open on Monday, September 11th, where various interesting discussions will take place every evening. 

“We want EuroPride to serve as a platform for activism that reaches all corners of our community. We aim to foster a better understanding of the experiences of LGBTIQ+ individuals, both in the workplace and in family life, as well as in every other aspect of daily life, to ensure that equality is practiced in our day-to-day interactions,” stated Parliamentary Secretary Rebecca Buttigieg. 

She further noted that discussions will encompass a range of topics, including healthcare, aspects of sexuality, relationships within the LGBTIQ+ community, the role of religion, and personal identity. Additional themes to be addressed include employment and the experiences of LGBTIQ+ individuals, with discussions hosted by both the Chamber of Commerce and the General Workers Union. 

A community dialogue will also be held, with the participation of the European Union Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli. 

“I invite everyone to engage in these discussions, as through dialogue, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the importance of ongoing efforts to promote equality. EuroPride will serve as a means to educate, inform, and, where necessary, change cultural and societal attitudes, while combating lingering prejudices, despite the legislative reforms in support of civil rights that we’ve undertaken in the past decade,” concluded the Parliamentary Secretary for Reforms and Equality. 

Furthermore, Maria Azzopardi, President of Allied Rainbow Communities stated that “Whatever comes, the show will go on. Rain or shine, nothing will stop Malta’s fierce LGBTIQ+ community from showcasing our talents, our unity and above all our pride during EuroPride 2023. If the events of the past days have shown us anything its that the LGBTIQ+ community was and remains resilient in the face of any adversary and obstacles. We are excited to showcase a united front by Malta’s LGBTIQ+ community as we enter into the first days of a historic moment in Malta’s queer history.” 

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