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Kwir Olimpiks by MGRM

Welcome to the first edition of Kwir Olimpiks! Kwir Olimpiks will consist of a 5-a-side Football tournament, 6 different games and a children’s area.Volunteers will organise simple games for children while there will also be a FREE BOUNCY CASTLE.All these activities will be happening at the same time and they are all FREE OF CHARGE. Water will be available for free. Please bring a reusable cup/bottle ❤️ All participants will receive a handmade soap made by...

Queer Classics by MGRM

Join us for an unforgettable night of nostalgia and celebration as we close the EuroPride Valletta 2023 program with a bang at Queer Classics! Taking place on the 17th of September, this event promises to transport you back in time to the iconic eras of the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s. Get ready to party like it's the good old days, surrounded by the timeless anthems that have shaped queer culture. Queer Classics is...

Queer Notions – A Soirée of Queer Music & Literature

Queer Notions is a soirée of queer music and literature by queer composers, writers and performers from Malta and abroad. Prose and poems are alternated with songs and instrumental music in an organic performance with space for improvisations between the performers. For tonight’s performers, Queer Notions refers not only to their identity but also to the diversity of styles and genres that we are presenting. Some songs and texts are light and gay, even sometimes...

The wind blows… …waves in all directions | Exhibition

The wind blows… …waves in all directions across a 46,000km coast surrounded by 22 countries, LGBTIQ+ people simultaneously enjoy civil rights, face criminal action, can legally have their gender recognised, are socially and/or legally oppressed because of their gender, go through genital mutilation at birth, live under harsh systems be it socio-economic issues, nationalism and colonialism; and this only touches the surface of the multitude of experiences and challenges. Using Maltese and Tunisian contexts as parallel bases...

Amsterdam Rainbow Dress | Exhibition

Get ready for a breathtaking display of art and advocacy as the Amsterdam Rainbow Dress takes center stage at Spazju Kreattiv on the 13th and between the 15th to 17th September. This monumental work of art, in the form of a dress, serves as a powerful symbol of inclusion and equal rights that will leave you in awe. Imagine a dress with a diameter of over 16 meters (52 feet), adorned with the flags of...

Drag Spectacular

Step into the world of glamour, creativity, and self-expression at the Drag Spectacular, taking place on the 13th of September at the vibrant Pjazza Teatru Rjal. Prepare to be dazzled as EuroPride's brightest stars grace the stage for an unforgettable evening of drag artistry and entertainment. This two-act show will feature a lineup of approximately 10 sensational drag artists from across the continent, each bringing their unique style, charisma, and talent to the forefront. From...

The Classical Shift – celebrating diversity with the MPO

Experience the harmonious fusion of classical music and a celebration of diversity with the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra's remarkable concert conducted by the talented Dutch conductor Ali Groen. Titled "The Classical Shift," this extraordinary event will not only honor the works of queer composers but also shed light on the historical underrepresentation of minorities in the classical music realm. Immerse yourself in the captivating sounds of a curated program that spans the rich tapestry of classical...

Polyester Princess

Polyester Princess is an interdisciplinary queer show that brings visual art, film and theatre together. Through performer Elliot Ditton’s lived experience combined with familiar fairy tale tropes, it explores body dysmorphia and the excruciating pressures we put on ourselves to be perfect. Through live video mixing the show will involve the audience in the creation process and invite viewers into the artist's mind; one of chaos, anxiety and ultimately beauty. Dates: 14th, 15th, 17th September 2023 Duration: 1...


Experience the power of resilience and the triumph of the human spirit with "Outcasts," a captivating and interactive multidisciplinary performance that will take place on the 14th and 15th of September at the renowned Valletta Campus Theatre. Delve into the profound journey of LGBTIQ+ individuals in Tunisia, as this groundbreaking production explores their struggles, traumas, and the collective impact on society. In a country where individuals are unjustly criminalized for their very identities, decolonizing the...

The Other Door by MOVEO

Get ready to embark on a captivating journey of self-discovery and exploration at EuroPride Valletta 2023 with MOVEO's extraordinary performance, "The Other Door," taking place on the 12th and 13th of September at the Valletta Campus Theatre. "The Other Door" aims to challenge conventional societal constructs and open up alternative possibilities that are often disregarded or condemned. In this thought-provoking piece, the body becomes a blank page, stripped of its socially constructed layers, revealing a...