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Abortion & The Queer Community

Panelists: Ms Emily Galea, Dr Lara Dimitrijevic, Mx Mina Jack Tolu Moderator: Dr Andrea Dibben While Malta tops ILGA Europe’s Rainbow map for the 7th year in a row, Malta has the most restrictive laws on abortion in Europe. Moreover, trans men, non binary persons and bisexual women are often erased or omitted from conversations related to abortion. During this discussion, we will be taking an inclusive approach on this discussion, and looking at how these restrictive laws impact a...

Trans Healthcare: The Way Forward

Panelists: Ms Colette Farrugia Bennett, Ms Michelle Cilia, Mx Matthew Chircop Moderator: Ms Amanda Cossai While Malta is seen as a leading country when it comes to transgender healthcare, flaws and limitations are still not unheard of. During this discussion, experts, activists and healthcare professionals at the forefront of transgender healthcare, will be exploring ways of how we can improve our current system, and propose actionable solutions both on a local and international context....

Pinkwashing vs Allyship

Panelists: Mr Kendrick Bondin, Ms Denise Aquilina, Ms Julia Ruby Alegre Moderator: Prof Mark Harwood During this discussion, we will be exploring the balance between authentic support for the LGBTIQ+ community & performative pinkwashing. Activists, academics and business representatives will be discussing the idea of pinkwashing, analysing different strategies, and dissecting the complexities of allyship from a corporate and political standpoint....

Press Play: Sex, Drugs & Pleasure

Panelists: Mr Michael O'Dea, Dr Alex Aldridge Moderator: Mr Ryan Portelli Conversations on sex and drugs often come loaded with stigmatising and judgemental discourse. By taking a harm reduction standpoint, we will be acknowledging and analysing the existing realities within different intersections of the community, and discussing ways of prioritising safety and the emotional and physical wellbeing of these communities....

Diskussjoni Dwar Lingwa Aktar Inklussiva

Panelists: Mx Noah Fabri, Mr Romario Sciberras, Mx Ruth Baldacchino Moderator: Mx Cynthia Chircop Huwa possibbli li l-lingwa Maltija tkun aktar inklussiva? Waqt din id-diskussjoni, akkademiċi tal-Malti u attivisti LGBTIQ+ se jkunu qed janaliżżaw il-lingwa Maltija, kif komunitajiet b'lingwi Semitiċi jinnavigaw il-lingwa,  u kif nies kwir jistgħu jilgħabu mal-lingwa fil-kuntest tal-identitajiet barra l-binarju. ...


As part of EuroPride 2023, The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry together with ARC Foundation will be organising a conference to foster inclusivity and celebrate diversity in the professional realm. Join EuroPride 2023: Out@Work conference on the 13th September 2023, 09:30-12:30 at The Malta Chamber in Valletta to elevate your understanding and engage with industry experts and the LGBTIQ+ community. AGENDA: 8:30 Registration and welcome coffee 9:00 Introduction by Rachel Attard, Head of Media and...

LGBTIQ+ Human Rights Conference

DISCUSSING LGBTIQ+ HUMAN RIGHTS Malta, at the crossroads between Europe, Africa and the Middle East has always attracted settlers from different cultures, ideologies, and beliefs. Malta’s history remains proof of how diversity has been engrained into the local population, with recent developments towards LGBTIQ+ equality being praised by the international community. Malta continues to rank first in ILGA-Europe’s Rainbow Map Index since 2015. This year, in hosting EuroPride Valletta 2023, we take advantage of Malta’s geographic...