Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet quisque rutrum. [vc_empty_space height="34px"]

Diskussjoni Dwar Lingwa Aktar Inklussiva

Panelists: Mx Noah Fabri, Mr Romario Sciberras, Mx Ruth Baldacchino Moderator: Mx Cynthia Chircop Huwa possibbli li l-lingwa Maltija tkun aktar inklussiva? Waqt din id-diskussjoni, akkademiċi tal-Malti u attivisti LGBTIQ+ se jkunu qed janaliżżaw il-lingwa Maltija, kif komunitajiet b'lingwi Semitiċi jinnavigaw il-lingwa,  u kif nies kwir jistgħu jilgħabu mal-lingwa fil-kuntest tal-identitajiet barra l-binarju. ...


As part of EuroPride 2023, The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry together with ARC Foundation will be organising a conference to foster inclusivity and celebrate diversity in the professional realm. Join EuroPride 2023: Out@Work conference on the 13th September 2023, 09:30-12:30 at The Malta Chamber in Valletta to elevate your understanding and engage with industry experts and the LGBTIQ+ community. AGENDA: 8:30 Registration and welcome coffee 9:00 Introduction by Rachel Attard, Head of Media and...

Masterclass on LGBTQI Representation in Film

LGBTQI+ Representation in Film and TV Series keeps on getting better around the world, this is thanks to the works of activists around the world in raising awareness about LGBTQI+ rights, but also thanks to the inclusion of LGBTQI+ creatives and storytellers in film-making processes. At the EuroPride 2023 Masterclass on LGBTQI+ Representation in Film you will have the opportunity to learn from industry professionals and activists working to tell our stories with authenticity...

The EUNIC Film Festival Week

EUNIC is the European network of cultural institutes and embassies engaging in cultural relations, bringing to life cultural collaborations in more than 100 countries worldwide with a network of 136 clusters. The EUNIC Malta Cluster was launched in July 2021 and the first EUNIC Malta Film Festival was held in November 2021 at Spazju Kreattiv. Now in its third edition, this year’s film festival is being held in collaboration with EUROPRIDE. EUNIC Malta’s mission is...

The Mvintage Pride Awards

During EuroPride Valletta 2023, individuals who have distinguished themselves in Malta and abroad, in different fields to promote the civil rights of the LGBTIQ+ community and who have provided exceptional service to individuals with different sexual orientations, will be honored. During the Mvintage Pride Awards, the public will have the opportunity to choose the winner of the People's Choice award, for which three people are nominated. Public voting will start on the 29th of August and...

LGBTIQ+ Human Rights Conference

DISCUSSING LGBTIQ+ HUMAN RIGHTS Malta, at the crossroads between Europe, Africa and the Middle East has always attracted settlers from different cultures, ideologies, and beliefs. Malta’s history remains proof of how diversity has been engrained into the local population, with recent developments towards LGBTIQ+ equality being praised by the international community. Malta continues to rank first in ILGA-Europe’s Rainbow Map Index since 2015. This year, in hosting EuroPride Valletta 2023, we take advantage of Malta’s geographic...

[Be]Loved Malta: Stories of sexual and gender identity

Sexual diversity has always been present in society in various forms. Yet how did society deal with this matter in different periods of time? Was it always considered a ‘problem’? Were all such acts deemed a crime? What did those directly concerned have to go through in order to adapt to the ‘solutions’ suggested or imposed by mainstream society? Heritage Malta shall suggest answers to such queries by presenting a number of human stories which...

Open Mic Night by MGRM & Kitba Queer

The Annual Open Mic is a space for the resident queer community to come together and express themselves in words either by reading something they wrote themselves or by making use of a piece written by someone else. Poetry, prose selections and songs are all welcome....

Tutti Frutti Roller Derby Game

Get ready to rumble, Malta! The Honey Island Rollers are rolling out the rainbow carpet to host the island's first ever roller derby bout, and in time for an important occasion: EuroPride 2023! Skaters and referees from across Europe are prepping their wheels to battle it out trackside at this history-making bout. We're talking high-speed, full-contact action on roller skates! In roller derby two teams race each other on an oval track for points, each team's...

Pride Around the Grand Harbour [SOLD OUT]

Pride Around the Grand Harbour returns for it’s 3rd edition. Pride Around the Grand Harbour is back and bigger than ever as the official closing event of EuroPride Valletta 2023 in collaboration with Malta Sailing Experiences and Le Regatta restaurant. This time, we have more! More Boats + More Entertainment = One epic night! This year we are offering you two different options. Option 1: You can take the dgħajsa tal-pass (Traditional Maltese water taxi) directly from Le...